Curriculum Planning and Development Division (CPDD)
Date: March 18th to 19th, 2025
Time: 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Topic: CSEC Physical Education and Sports Paper 2- External Examiners’ Training Workshop
Description: Face to face sessions with participants to provide Curriculum support. Discussion of concerns across all sports and mitigation strategies for effective administration of the Examination
1.To provide technical and operational guidelines for the successful administration of the CSEC PES P2 Examination
2. To standardize arrangements for administration of the practical examination
3. To address technical concerns/matters associated with the conduct of the examination
Target Audience: Physical Education teachers who serve as external examiners for selected sport/s. External examiners (certified coaches) in the particular sport (External Examiners Physical Education and Sport).