Classroom Culture

I. Teaching Strategies: How To Create A Positive Classroom Culture

Description: In this video, effective teaching strategies are shown to create a positive vibe in the classroom, make you feel better, increase job satisfaction, increase students sense of belonging and connectedness as well as promoting greater academic achievement.  


The Highly Effective Teacher. (Oct 26, 2020). Teaching Strategies: How To Create A Positive Classroom Culture [Video]. Youtube.


II. 5 Innovative Ways to Create Positive Classroom Culture 

Description: Five (5) innovative ways were found to help create and foster a positive classroom culture. The five innovative ways includes; 

  1. Ask different questions
  2. Do mindful breathing exercises
  3. High-5 Friday!
  4. Start a class Instagram
  5. Weekly check-in   



Gibson, T. (Dec 7, 2018).  5 Innovative Ways to Create Positive Classroom Culture [Video]. Youtube.–  


 III. 9 Ways to define and develop your classroom culture

Description: This blog shares tips on how classroom culture can be developed. Tips used to define and develop classroom culture are as follows;

  • Ensuring psychological safety
  • Encouraging sense of belonging
  • Create a sense of purpose
  • Develop a culture based on thinking
  • Establish routines
  • Set rules and expectations
  • Use praise well
  • Provide challenge and support
  • Integrate teaching with social and emotional learning


9 Ways to define and develop your classroom culture. (n.d.). InnerDrive.     

Working Effectively with Violent or Aggressive Students

  • Avoid discussions based on who is right/wrong
  • One on one conversations with direct eye contact
  • Quiet tone of voice
  • Activities that display emotions
  • Positive affirmations
  • Morning discussions
  • Short clippings of scenarios followed by discussions


Videos on dealing with violent students


References pertaining to the images used in the video on Dealing with Violent Students.

Goba, C. (2018, October 24). Brawl as school prefects fight over boyfriend. My Zimbabwe News. Retrieved October 25, 2022, from 

Jason B. AllenJason has worked in education for over 15 years as a teacher. (2021, September 2). Teachers need autonomy and flexibility to build innovation in classrooms. EdLANTA. Retrieved October 25, 2022, from 

Colorful question marks backgrounds stock illustrations. iStock. (n.d.). Retrieved October 25, 2022, from 

by: GreatSchools Staff | Updated: December 4, 2019 article. (2019, December 4). The school visit: What to look for, what to ask. Parenting. Retrieved October 25, 2022, from 


Reference for tips given in video

Practical strategies for working with students who display aggression and violence. (n.d.). Retrieved October 25, 2022, from 

Classroom Management

I. Every Kid Needs a Champion – TED 

Description: The Ted talk suggests that the key to classroom management is becoming students’ champions. It focuses on showing up for students in a way that no one else has for them. This then sets the foundation to a strong bond and allows students to be aware that you, as the teacher, have high expectations of them and therefore they will not want to disappoint. The video is a testimony to the strategy’s effectiveness. 

Reference:  TEDtalksDirector. (2013, May 3). Rita Pierson: Every kid needs a champion | ted. YouTube. Retrieved October 19, 2022, from


II. Pot of Gold Activity – What Does Classroom Management Mean to You? 

Description: An activity for teachers to place words/phrases into a pot of gold of what classroom management means to them. For example classroom management to one teacher may mean having a rather quiet class, however, for another it may mean seeing students complete their work on time yet still allowing them to converse with one another. 


III. Mindset Matters- Empowered Teachers Empower Students

Description: The video and graphic focuses on the  approach and mindset of teachers that impact their classroom management skills. The graphic suggests phrases that teachers can encourage students to use to display his/her faith in them. The video reminds teachers to find effective and beneficial solutions to students’ problems in the classroom rather than practicing temporary “fixes”.,204,203,200_.jpg

Reference: Clintpulver. (2017, May 4). Inspirational video- be a mr. jensen- must watch!! YouTube. Retrieved October 19, 2022, from 


IV. Tips and Tricks to Enhance Classroom Management Skills 

Description: The following two videos and article highlights tips and tricks in which teachers can use to manage their classrooms on a daily basis. It covers steps such as delegating student responsibilities to establishing daily routines and stating habits that contribute to an unmanaged classroom. 


Reference: YouTube. (2022, June 23). How to quiet a noisy class – classroom management strategies. YouTube. Retrieved October 20, 2022, from 

Reference: The key to classroom management. ASCD. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2022, from 

Reference: YouTube. (2020, March 3). 7 classroom management tips to be an effective teacher. YouTube. Retrieved October 20, 2022, from 


V. Classroom Management Mantra 

Description: A resource in which teachers can use in their classroom as visual aid to remind themselves and students of classroom behavior