
School Supervision and Management Division (SSMD)

School Development Planning Using Data Capture DESCRIPTION:  Workshop will entail: 1. Getting feedback from Principals on different types of data they collect and if necessary add to have a comprehensive […]

School Supervision and Management Division (SSMD)

School Development Planning Using Data Capture DESCRIPTION:  Workshop will entail: 1. Getting feedback from Principals on different types of data they collect and if necessary add to have a comprehensive […]

Education Technology Unit (ETU)

TUTORIAL TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS DESCRIPTION:  TARGET GROUP: Principals, Middle Managers and Teachers VENUE: Virtual - Microsoft Teams and the SLMS

Curriculum Planning and Development Division (CPDD)

TOPIC: SOUNDSCAPES REPRESENTATION: One (1) Teacher Per School TARGET GROUP: Standard One Teachers (Port-of-Spain- All Schools) VENUE: Belmont Community Centre Jerningham Ave, Port of Spain