Curriculum Planning Development Division (CPDD)

TOPIC: SOUNDSCAPES REPRESENTATION: One (1) Teacher Per School TARGET GROUP: Standard One Teachers (St. George East (A)) VENUE: Lecture Room 3 Cheeseman Building, DCFA UWI St. Augustine, Gordon Street

Curriculum Planning and Development Division (CPDD)

Cultural Transformation Training for Iconic T&T Community Service (Patriotism) for Standard 1 DESCRIPTION: These workshops are for standard one teachers and residual standard two teachers with a focus on: Iconic […]

Ministry of Health (MoH)

Health Promoting Physical Activity DESCRIPTION: A series of health promoting physical activity workshops  TARGET AUDIENCE: Primary Teachers (Group A and B -South Eastern) VENUE: BPTT Mayaro Resource Centre

Curriculum Planning and Development Division (CPDD)

TOPIC: SOUNDSCAPES REPRESENTATION: One (1) Teacher Per School TARGET GROUP: Standard One Teachers (St. George East (B)) VENUE:  Lecture Room 3 Cheeseman Building, DCFA UWI St. Augustine, Gordon Street

Curriculum Planning and Development Division (CPDD)

CVQ Assessor Electrical Areas/CVQ Assessor Mechanical Areas/CVQ Assessor Building/Construction Areas DESCRIPTION: Curriculum Support TARGET AUDIENCE: CVQ Assessors and Teachers - Forms 4 & 5 VENUE: 

Ministry of Health (MoH)

Health Promoting Physical Activity DESCRIPTION: To participate in a series of health promoting physical activity workshops  TARGET AUDIENCE: Primary (Group A and B -St. Patrick) VENUE: Presentation College, San Fernando

Education Technology Unit (ETU)

TUTORIAL TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS DESCRIPTION:  TARGET GROUP: Principals, Middle Managers and Teachers VENUE: Virtual - Microsoft Teams and the SLMS