Education Technology Unit (ETU)
TUTORIAL TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS DESCRIPTION: TARGET GROUP: Principals, Middle Managers and Teachers VENUE: Virtual - Microsoft Teams and the SLMS
TUTORIAL TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS DESCRIPTION: TARGET GROUP: Principals, Middle Managers and Teachers VENUE: Virtual - Microsoft Teams and the SLMS
The Technical Vocational Education Training and Technology Education (TVET/TE) Unit of CPDD TECHNICAL DRAWING: Port of Spain & Environs, North Eastern, Victoria, St. Patrick DESCRIPTION: TARGET GROUP: Technical Drawing Teachers
TECHNICAL DRAWING: SGEED, SEED, CED DESCRIPTION: Discussion of syllabus modifications to provide guidance to aid curriculum implementation for CSEC TARGET GROUP: Technical Drawing Teachers VENUE:
ASR DESCRIPTION: Presentation & Interactive Sessions. TARGET GROUP: VP & Clerks VENUE:
The Technical Vocational Education Training and Technology Education (TVET/TE) Unit of CPDD TECHNICAL DRAWING: St George East, South Eastern, Caroni DESCRIPTION: TARGET GROUP: Technical Drawing Teachers
VAPA (Drama): Soundscapes (Standard 1) DESCRIPTION: TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers Standard 2 VENUE:
TUTORIAL TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS DESCRIPTION: TARGET GROUP: Principals, Middle Managers and Teachers VENUE: Virtual - Microsoft Teams and the SLMS
Spanish Courses DESCRIPTION: Training new and experienced teachers on the methodologies of teaching Spanish. TARGET AUDIENCE: Secondary School Spanish Teachers VENUE:
VAPA (Drama): Soundscapes (Standard 1) DESCRIPTION: TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers Standard 2 VENUE:
BMED: ALL DISTRICTS DESCRIPTION: Discussion of syllabus modifications to provide guidance to aid curriculum implementation for CSEC. TARGET GROUP: BMED Teachers VENUE:
TEACHER INDUCTION DESCRIPTION: Provide training to early career through a year long programme. TARGET GROUP: New Teachers 2023-2024 VENUE:
Spanish Courses DESCRIPTION: Intensive Spanish courses delivered in conjunction with the Embassy of Chile. TARGET AUDIENCE: Public Servants VENUE: